



Date: February 6th, 2024

Version: 24.1



Name and Mission

Section 1: Name

The name of this corporation is the Lakeland Booster Club, Inc.


Section 2: Nonprofit status

The Corporation is a nonprofit corporation.


Section 3: Mission Statement

The Lakeland Booster Club, Inc exists to support school sponsored-sanctioned athletic, academic and extra-curricular activities of the Lakeland Senior High School. We pledge to assist in providing support to all students and athletes together with parents, the school district, and the community to promote athletic and academic excellence, competition, sportsmanship, school spirit and community pride.



Offices & Address

Section 1: Registered Office

The registered office of the Lakeland Booster Club, Inc. required by the Idaho Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 3, Title 30, Idaho Code, to be maintained in the State of Idaho shall be located at Lakeland High School, 7006 W Hwy 53, Rathdrum, Idaho, 83858, but may be changed from time to time by approval of the Executive Board of Directors.

Section 2: Mailing Address

The mailing address for the Lakeland Booster Club, Inc. shall be P.O Box 818, Rathdrum, Idaho, 83858. The key to the Post Office box shall be maintained by two Executive board members that are selected each year with the new board, and mail shall be collected regularly.



Membership & Sponsorship


Section 1: Membership & Sponsorship Dues and Categories

Members of the Lakeland Booster Club, Inc. may consist of any individual or business that has applied for membership or sponsorship and paid annual dues. Membership categories will include Board Member, School District Employee, Green, Yellow, Silver & Gold.  Sponsorship categories will include Lakeland Supporter Corporate, Green Corporate, Gold Corporate, and HAWK Corporate Sponsors.

The dues amount qualifying for each category and the benefits accrued will be set by the Executive Board of Directors and may be revised annually.


Section 2: Voting Rights

  1. All members are allocated one vote, after attending a minimum of 3 meetings.  The membership year runs from July 1st through June 30th.
  2. A Booster member may vote on issues after they have attended 3 meetings within the current membership year.  Once qualified to vote, booster members are only able to vote in May during elections for the new Executive Board Members.



Organization & Management of the Booster Club


Section 1: Powers and Duties

All management powers, to include the collection, commitment and disbursement of funds, shall be exercised by and under the authority of the Executive Board of Directors, in the manner described below.


Section 2: Composition of the Executive Board of Directors

The Voting members of the Board shall be composed of six (6) individuals as follows:

  1. The Officers of the Booster Club:
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer

B. Two (2) additional board members:

  1. Member at Large
  2. Athletic Coordinator


Section 3: Executive Board Member Selection and Qualifications

Individuals may be selected to serve as Executive Board Members who meet the following criteria:

  1. Individual is a current member of the Booster Club as set forth in Article III. 
  2. Has an interest in the success of the Booster Club, supports the Booster Club Mission Statement & can regularly attend the monthly meetings. 
  3. Has been recommended by a current member of the Booster Club. 
  4. Has attended 3 Booster Club meetings during the previous 12 Months (May-April)
  5. Has a student that will be attending Lakeland High School in the fall/September when the next school year begins.
  6. Upon presentation to the Booster Club, the individual's nomination is approved by a majority of the members present at the annual meeting.


Section 4: Non-Executive Board Members

Non-Executive Board Members are volunteers that assist the Executive Board Members in defined areas of running the Booster Club, but are not member-elected personnel that hold a seat as an Executive Board of Director.  Non-Executive Board Members may vote like any other member as stated in Article III, section 2.  Although these Members manage certain duties, they will do so at the direction of the Executive Board of Directors.  The following are the current positions:

  1. Membership/Sponsorship
  2. Fundraising/Auction Chair
  3. Communications
  4. Social Media
  5. Scholarships
  6. Swag/Apparel


Section 5: Non-Executive Board Member Selection and Qualifications

Individuals may be selected to serve as Non-Executive Board Members who meet the following criteria:

  1. Individual is a current member of the Booster Club as set forth in Article III. 
  2. Has an interest in the success of the Booster Club, supports the Booster Club Mission Statement and can regularly attend the monthly meetings. 
  3. Has been recommended by a current member of the Booster Club. 
  4. Has attended 3 Booster Club meetings during the previous 12 Months (May-April)
  5. Has a student that will be attending Lakeland High School in the fall/September when the next school year begins.
  6. Upon presentation to the Booster Club, the individual's nomination is approved by a majority of the Executive Board Members present at the annual meeting.
  7. If a position remains vacant, the duties shall fall back to the Executive Board Members.


Section 6: Election and Term of Office

Elections for the Board of Directors shall take place in May of each year during the regularly held Board Meeting. An Executive Board Member may also run for a Non-Executive Member position & hold both positions at the same time.  The term of office shall be as follows:

  1. Executive Board Members:
    1. President, Secretary, & Member at Large - Up for election during even years.
    2. Vice President, Treasurer, & Athletic Coordinator - Up for election during odd years.
  2. Non-Executive Board Members:
    1. All positions will be up for election annually.


Section 7: Number and Qualification of Board Members

The officers of the Booster Club Board shall consist of six (6) Executive Members as defined in article IV, Section 2, and six (6) Non-Executive Members as defined in article IV, Section 4.  A person who performs such duties shall have no liability by reason of being or having been an officer of the Booster Club.


Section 8: Vacancies

  1. Except as otherwise stated in these Bylaws, any vacancies occurring among the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the members present, from nominations received from the membership.
  2. If a vacancy replacement has been nominated & voted in, they shall complete the existing term already in place as stated in article IV, Section 6.
  3. If there is a sudden resignation of the President position, the Vice President shall assume an Interim President position until the next scheduled Board Meeting can occur & a member vote can happen.
  4. Executive Board Members are required to attend 80% of regularly scheduled board meetings (see Article VI), or risk defaulting their seat to be available for re-election at the discretion of the remaining Executive Board Members.
  5. Non-Executive Board Members are required to attend 40% of regularly scheduled board meetings (see Article VI), or risk defaulting their seat to be available for re-election at the discretion of the Executive Board Members.


Section 9: Quorum

A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the board. A meeting at which a quorum is initially present may continue to transact business notwithstanding the withdrawal of directors, if any action taken is approved by at least a majority of the required quorum for such meeting.


Section 10: Executive Board Member Voting

All Executive Board Members have one vote per matter with one exception.  The President shall only vote if there is a tie in the event of an absence of another board member.  When all six (6) Executive Board Members are in attendance, the other five (5) acting Executive Board Members shall vote first.


Section 11: Compensation

No officer shall receive, directly or indirectly, any financial compensation for his or her services as an officer. Both Executive & Non-Executive Board Members will be provided with a complementary Board Member Membership ($100 value), due to the amount of time and effort put into the planning and executing of activities.



Board Member Duties


  1. President: Responsible for preparing the meeting agenda and providing to all board members one week prior to the scheduled meeting date. He/she shall notify all Board members of meetings or meeting changes, and will notify the Communication Board Member of any postings for the membership. He/she coordinates and reserves the meeting location. Shall call and conduct all meetings according to the By-Laws. He/she will be in charge of executing the policies approved by the Board of Directors and will enforce conduct and responsibilities of the Board. He/she will see that the statements and books are properly maintained according to applicable state statutes. 

  2. Vice President: Shall be responsible in assisting the President in performing all his/her duties as described above, especially if the President is unable to appear at membership meetings.  

  3. Secretary: Shall preserve in books of the organization the true minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the organization, including a list of all the attendees at each meeting. The Secretary shall provide meeting minutes to the board no later than one week before the next scheduled meeting. Also, provide copies of the proceeding meeting at each board meeting for acceptance by the attendees and then shall be approved by the Board. The Secretary shall give all notice required by statute, Bylaws or resolution. He/she shall carry on correspondence of the organization, exclusive of that related to the Treasurer, and shall perform the duties of the Secretary as stated above.

  4. Treasurer: Shall have custody of all funds and securities and shall keep the books belonging to the organization, full accounts of all receipts and disbursements. He/she shall distribute the funds of the organization, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall provide to the attendees at the regular monthly membership meetings and whenever requested in writing, an account of all Lakeland Booster Club transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the organization. In the case of resignation, retirement or removal from office, all books, papers, vouchers, money and property of whatever kind in his/her possession or under his/her control belonging to the organization shall be returned to the organization within 5 business days. He/she shall be responsible for filing and maintaining records of corporation, non-profit status, federal and/state taxes. The Treasurer will provide the following at all monthly meetings and special board meetings when requested by the board: monthly expenditures, deposits, balance, copy receipts and bank statement copies for each Board member.  

  5. Member at Large: Shall be responsible in assisting all Executive Board Members in their assigned duties as called upon.

  6. Athletic Coordinator: Shall be responsible for communications between the board and the coaches at Lakeland High School.  He/she will report back all grant request decisions voted on by the Executive Board Members.  He/she will also be the main point of contact for all coaches for any questions or concerns when it comes to the business conducted by the Booster Club, as well as any  collaboration inquiries.

  7. Membership/Sponsorship: Shall be responsible for reporting all membership/sponsorship sales at the membership meetings.  He/she will see to it that each member or sponsor receives all items as listed on our website as perks for purchasing their membership/sponsorship.  He/she will be responsible for answering all questions and assisting any members/sponsors with any issues they may have when purchasing their membership/sponsorship and obtaining sponsorship logos for future sponsorship recognition. He/she will continue to solicit larger businesses for sponsorships to continue to grow the Booster Club.

  8. Fundraising/Auction Chair: Shall be responsible in overseeing all fundraising opportunities on behalf of the Lakeland Booster Club with all new fundraisers being approved by the Executive Board Members.  He/she will coordinate any added volunteer assistance needed to execute each fundraiser and shall maintain excellent records of all fundraising flyers, advertisements, points of contacts, and invoice copies for future duplication needs.  He/she will also track all expenditures and income and report all income and expense totals to the Board at regularly scheduled membership meetings.

  9. Communications:  Shall be responsible for all website management & upkeep as provided by the Executive Board. He/she shall produce the Booster Club Newsletter with a new published version being sent to all members, sponsors, and email subscribers no less than quarterly, but as often as monthly.  He/she shall also manage and maintain the Booster Club’s email & answer any general correspondences that come in and also alert other Board Members if an email requires their attention.

  10. Social Media: Shall be responsible for managing the Booster Clubs various social media accounts, such as but not limited to, Facebook and Instagram.  All social media posts shall be done in a tasteful manner with the high school students and their families in mind.  Any special requests for posts must come from an Executive Board Member only.

  11. Scholarships: Shall manage an odd-numbered, self selected committee to review and award scholarships to Lakeland graduates each year.  The committee cannot include any parents of a current Lakeland high school senior and shall contain no less than 3 members.  He/she will also review the current scholarships being offered annually and present any recommended changes to the board during the regularly scheduled January membership meeting each year for Executive Board Member approval.  The total amount given for scholarships will be revisited by the board annually in January as well.  He/she will also work with the Lakeland College and Career advisor to make sure all scholarship information is provided by the deadline on time, as well as, all necessary awarded seniors information needed is provided to the Treasurer for proper disbursement of funds.

  12. Swag/Apparel: Shall maintain all approved Lakeland Booster Club merchandise sold at home games and other High School or Booster Club activities involving merchandise. He/she shall manage the merchandise trailer (outside) or booth (inside) operations on game day or during events to include directing parent volunteers in merchandise set-up, operation and clean up. He/she shall be responsible for all shopping/ordering and inventorying of Lakeland Booster Club Board approved merchandise, presenting all receipts to the Treasurer in a timely manner (no more than 5 days). Additionally, he/she shall be responsible for training volunteers and coordinating a schedule for volunteers to work in the trailer or booth during games or events.  He/she will maintain accurate inventory levels for items within the Square App used to sell merchandise and provide a list with the cost of each item to the Treasurer of any Board approved Swag/Apparel donated by the end of each month.  Additionally, he/she will deposit any cash funds raised by swag/apparel sales to the Booster Clubs general checking account and report deposits made to the Treasurer.


Meetings & Communications of the Booster Club


Section 1: General Membership Meetings

  1. A general membership meeting will be held on the first Wednesday of every month during the school year. 
  2. Meetings may also be held in June, July, and August at the discretion of the Board. 
  3. These meetings are open to the public with the focus of the meetings to highlight athletic and extracurricular activities of the students and to carry out business of the Booster Club as required by the bylaws.
  4. Any persons wishing to have a topic added to the Agenda under new business at a monthly meeting must submit the request in writing to the Booster Clubs email, 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.  Topics will only be addressed during the new business portion of these meetings.


Section 2: Board Meetings

Board meetings shall be held at a time and place as is convenient to the Board members.


Section 3: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called as approved by the Booster Club President.


Section 4: Committee Meetings

Special committee meetings may be scheduled to plan and implement activities authorized by the Booster Club at times and locations convenient to the committee member.


Section 5: Order of Business

Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these bylaws or by other specific rules of procedure adopted by the Booster Club.


Section 6: Notice to the Public/Communications shall be the website for all public notifications.  The following information shall be noted on the website and maintained regularly by to Communications Board  Member:

  1. Board of Directors
    1. Name & Titles
  2. Membership & Sponsorship Levels
  3. Meetings (Regular & Special)
    1. Date, Time & Location
  4. Mission Statement & Bylaws
  5. Contact Information
    1. PO Box & Email Address


Dues, Finance and Distribution of Funds


Section 1: Dues and Donations

All money received as dues shall be considered as donations to the Booster Club and may be used in any manner prescribed by and agreed upon by the Board in a legally constituted meeting. Allocated funds donations may be accepted by the Booster Club and allocated to the club or sport of the donors choice.


Section 2: Solicitation of Funds

  1. Any persons or organizations soliciting donations in the name of the Booster Club must have prior approval of the Board of Directors.
  2. Any considerations received in exchange for dues and/or donations must be approved by the Booster Club.


Section 3: Disbursement of Funds

  1. All disbursements of funds shall be approved by a majority of the Executive Board and must follow the principles of the Mission Statement.
  2. All requests for Booster Club general funds shall be submitted online on the Booster Club website via the Lakeland Booster Club Grant Request, then presented at the next Board Meeting by the students, teachers or coaches whose program will benefit from the disbursement, or the Athletic Director.
  3. All requests for allocated funds shall be submitted online on the Booster Club website via the Allocated Funds Request Form.  The Board of Directors will then disperse the requested money in a timely manner after verifying enough funds are available from the requested allocated account.
  4. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money issues in the name of the Lakeland Booster Club, Inc. over the amount of $500 shall be signed by two officers.
  5. All funds of the Booster Club, except for a petty cash fund of up to $200 shall be deposited to the credit of the Booster Club in such banks, trust, or other depositories as the Board may select. 
  6. The fiscal year shall be the school calendar year.
  7. A complete financial report will be prepared by the Treasurer for the Booster Club annually and be presented at the last scheduled meeting of the fiscal year.
  8. School sanctioned activities supported by the Booster Club can be found online on our website.
  9. Guidelines for scholarships supported by the Booster Club can be found online on our website.



Non-Liability of Officers, Directors and Members

All members, Officers and Directors of the Lakeland Booster Club, Inc. shall be free from all personal liability for any acts done in connection with any endeavor otherwise on behalf of the Booster Club or for any losses incurred or sustained by the Booster Club unless the same have occurred through his or her willful misconduct, willful negligence.



Amendments to the Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of 66% (2/3) of the membership present and voting at the monthly meeting and/ or special meeting as long as a quorum is present. No action shall be taken to amend any Bylaws unless written notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given at the regular monthly meeting preceding the annual or special meeting.

  1. Appendixes may be changed by majority vote at any meeting.



The forgoing Bylaws were duly adopted by majority vote at a meeting of the Booster Club on the 6th day of February, 2024.


President:  John Hatcher

Vice President:  Tina Hillman

Secretary:   Katie Forsman

Treasurer:   Ashley McMurray

Member at Large:  Brooke Vanek

Athletic Coordinator:  Reggie Day


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Our Generous Sponsors:
Lakeland Immediate Care
Lancaster Market
Sawyer Plumbing
Silverlake Automotive - Rathdrum
2T2 Construction
Lake City Law
Embers by the Lake
Rocky Mountain Drywall, Inc.
Monogram Homes
C&S Automotive
Autocenter CDA, LLC
Super1 Foods - Rathdrum
The Local Deli
Summit Concrete
Golden Glo Espresso
Technique Gymnastics
Vinyl Fire
Seright's Ace Hardware
Burger King
Rathdrum & Post Falls Estate Planning
Rockwood Self Storage
become a Lakeland Booster Club sponsor
We Thank Our Members:
  • The Steele family...
  • the Heacock family...
  • the Standish-Clinch family...
  • the Snyder family...
  • the Halgren family...
  • The Jamison family...
  • the Palaniuk family...
  • the Bowie family...
  • Matt & Tiffanie Benson family...
  • the Forsman family...
  • The Terzulli Family...
  • The Hunt Family...
  • DBA Graphix...
  • Vanek family...
  • The Karle family...
  • The Holte family...
  • Heritage Health...
  • the Valli family...
  • the Clift family...
  • the O’Brien family...
  • the Thompson family...
  • The Mattila family...
  • the Cozad family...
  • the Neff family...
  • Killian Family...
  • the Bennett family...
  • the Jackson family...
  • the Peterson family...
  • the Lenhard family...
  • the Peterson family...
  • the Roberge family...
  • the Gerrior family...
  • the Isenberger family...
  • the Yde family...
  • The Day Family...
  • The Kiefer family...
  • the Allen family...
  • Periwinkle Childrens Therapy...
  • the Gwin family...
  • the Hall family...
  • The Simon Family...
  • the Vasquez family...
  • Melody Behmer...
  • Anonymous...
  • the Parker family...
  • the Yager family...
  • the Knight family...
  • the Clark family...
  • the McKinzie family...
  • the Pettit family...
  • the Day family...
  • the Tuskan family...
  • the Sanchez family...
  • the Sanchez family...
  • the Zachary family...
  • the Leonard family...
  • the Cardoza family...
  • the Sardinha family...
  • the Cooper family...
  • the Bevacqua family...
  • the Liddiard family...
  • the Duce family...
  • Hinkle family...
  • the Spurway family...
  • the Miller family...
  • The Francis Family...
  • the Stranahan family...
  • the Nave family...
  • the Dutton family...
  • the Bevacqua family...
  • the Burnside family...
  • the Bretveld family...
  • the Stoffer family...
  • the VanMeeteren family...
  • Lakeland Immediate Care...
  • Pittman family...
  • Caywood Family...
  • the Davis family...
  • the Asher Family...
  • The Travis & Kim Roth Family...
  • The Feld family...
  • the Lee family...
  • Hocking Family...
  • the Steele family...
  • The Lund Family...
  • Sarah Tamagni photography...
  • The Taylor family...
  • the Lukey family...
  • the Dragon family...
  • the Hillman family...
  • the Johnson family...
  • the Hall family...
  • the McCarthy family...
  • The Drake family...
  • the Olson family...
  • the Teel family...
  • the Babb family...
  • the Cysewski family...
  • the Loder Family...
  • the McMurray family...
  • the Jessop family...
  • the Killian family...
  • the Klein family...
  • the Yager family...
  • the Hostetler family...
  • the Vandever family...
  • the Bixby family...
  • the Hall family...
  • the Beaty family...
  • Rod and Holli Hansen...
  • the Dansereau family...
  • Matt & Erika Neff...
  • Solid Electrical...
  • The Briles Family...
  • The Warren Family...
  • the Stippich family...
  • The Andres family...
  • the Marquez family...
  • the Trevena family...
  • the Avriett family...
  • the Teachout family...
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